April 23 — Saturday Midday Retreat with the Mystics: Hadewijch of Antwerp
It can be hard to find God’s Love in a tipsy turvy world. Hadewijch of Antwerp (Belgium), a 13th century Beguine, can help us. She lived in turbulent times and was ousted by the close-knit household of devout women she led, in a period that witnessed the rising role of women in Christian spirituality. Through her various trials, she came to recognize it all as an expression of God’s mysterious Love, a love which swept her off her feet. On Saturday, April 23, Noon to 3pm, in St. Catherine of Siena’s church (411 E. 68th Street), we’ll continue our Midday Retreat with the Mystics. Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, OP will give a conference talk on Hadewijch, followed by Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and guided meditations from her writings, which include lyrical poems of great passion and a touch of wildness along with some letters marked by keen spiritual insight. Coming to a point of surrender in being swept up in God’s fierce Love, she concluded that to be conquered by Love is to conquer Love and this set her on the task of a selfless love that gives to the end. For more information see News & Events at http://www.uppergarden.org/.
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