7:30pm on the Friday before the 3rd Saturday of each month
St. Catherine of Siena Church (411 East 68th St., New York City)

Join us for a monthly prayer gathering at St. Catherine of Siena church beginning on, Friday, October 14 at 7:30pm (the Friday before the 3rd Saturday of each month). It will be a time of Eucharistic Adoration, songs of praise, spontaneous prayer, sacred silence, Scripture reading, deep listening, brief preaching and an opportunity to be anointed with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Oil and also prayed over as you present your particular needs of mind, body, and spirit.
Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, OP will lead the gathering as we open ourselves to what the Holy Spirit wants to do among us.
Seekers are welcome. Feel free to bring a friend. Come, as we open the garden of our hearts to the Lord’s personal touch and loving care!
Dates: Oct 14 (2022), Nov 18, Dec 16, Jan 20 (2023), Feb 17, Mar 17, and so forth… The idea is that it will always occur in the same weekend as the Midday Retreat with the Mystics, which is the 3rd Saturday of each month, hence the Upper Garden Prayer Night will be the Friday before the 3rd Saturday of each month.

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