Midday Retreat with the Mystics

3rd Saturday of Every Month, 12pm at St. Catherine of Siena’s Church

(411 East 68th Street, New York City)

So many in our busy and hectic world today feel the need for prayerful silence and interior recollection. But it’s hard to get away to a monastery! So we’ll be offering an oasis of contemplation within New York City, learning from the great Saints and mystics of the Church and through their guidance entering into prayer.

St. Catherine of Siena Church will be offering a “Midday Retreat with the Mystics” the 3rd Saturday of every month beginning at 12:00pm (411 East 68th Street, New York City). Each month will showcase the spiritual teaching of one particular Saint or mystic. We will sit at their feet and allow them to help draw us into the riches of the spiritual life and into the depths of God.

Fr. Ignatius John Schweitzer, O.P. will give a talk on the spiritual life based on the doctrine of the mystic of the month. Then we will have Eucharistic Exposition with periods of silence, along with some guided meditations based on the holy person we are highlighting that day. There will also be the opportunity to be prayed over and anointed with the Oil of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, beseeching the Lord for graces of deeper prayer. We’ll go 12 to 3pm but feel free to leave as you need to.

12:00pm   Conference Talk

                    (on the particular saint chosen for that day)

1:00-3:00pm   Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

                    (with periods of silence and guided meditations from the saint)

Tentative Schedule:

St. Teresa of Avila (Oct 16, 2021)

Bl. Conchita (Nov 20, 2021)

St. Bernard (Dec 18, 2021)

St. Teresa of Calcutta (Jan 15, 2022)

Jean Pierre de Caussade (Feb 19, 2022)

St. John of the Cross (Mar 19, 2022)

Hadewijch of Antwerp (Apr 23, 2022) (4th Saturday for this month)

St. Catherine of Siena (May 28, 2022) (4th Saturday for this month)

St. Theophan the Recluse (Jun 18, 2022)

St. Angela of Foligno (Jul 16, 2022)

Soren Kierkegaard (Aug 20, 2022)

St. Thomas Aquinas (Sept 17, 2022)

St. Gregory of Nyssa (Oct 15, 2022)

John Tauler (Nov 19, 2022)

St. John Paul II (Dec 17, 2022).

Midday Retreat with the Mystics 2023

Jan. 21             William of St. Thierry

Feb. 18            The Hesychasts

Mar. 18           Bl. Henry Suso

Apr. 15            St. Therese of Lisieux

May 20            Evelyn Underhill

Jun. 17            St. Faustina

Jul. 15             St. Padre Pio

Aug. 19           Bl. Columba Marmion

Sept. 16           St. Bruno

Oct. 21            St. Catherine of Genoa

Nov. 18           St. Elisabeth of the Trinity

Dec. 16            Stay Awake, Advent program for Archdiocese

Midday Retreat with the Mystics 2024

Jan. 20             Meister Eckhart, OP

Feb. 17            St. Francis de Sales

Mar. 16           Matthew the Poor (1919-2006, Coptic Monk)

Apr. 27            Sr. Nirmala Joshi, MC (contemplative branch foundress)

May 18            St. Isaac of Syria

Jun. 15            Thomas Merton

Jul. 20             St. Augustine

Aug. 17           Consummata (Marie-Antoinette de Geuser, 1889-1918)

Sept. 21           St. Catherine of Siena [at St. Joseph’s seminary in Yonkers]

Oct. 19            Ven. Juan Arintero, OP (1860-1928)

Nov. 16           St. Teresa of Avila [at St. Joseph’s seminary in Yonkers]

Dec. 21            Simone Weil (1909-43)

Midday Retreat with the Mystics 2025

At St. Catherine’s church:

Feb. 15 St. Gregory of Nazianzus

Apr. 26 Ven. Luis Martinez

Schedule at St Joseph’s Seminary (201 Seminary Ave, Yonkers, New York, 10704)

11:00am Mass (optional)

12:00pm   Conference Talk

(on the particular Saint chosen for that day)

1:00-3:00pm   Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

(with periods of silence and guided meditations from the Saint)

3:00pm Q & A and Social

(with light refreshments)

Sept. 21, 2024 St. Catherine of Siena

Nov. 16, 2024 St. Teresa of Avila

Jan. 18, 2025 Bl. Concepcion Cabrera de Armida

Mar. 29, 2025 Jean-Pierre de Caussade (5th Saturday this month)

May 17, 2025 St. Teresa of Calcutta


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