St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, shortly before she died, promised that her mission in heaven would be to help souls go deeper into prayer (ltr 335). With this oil, we take her up on her offer, and through her intercession beseech the Lord for the grace of deeper prayer and union with Him.
(anointing forehead)
Through the powerful intercession of St Elizabeth of the Trinity, “may the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.”
(anointing one hand)
Through the powerful intercession of St Elizabeth of the Trinity, “may the eyes of your heart be enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the surpassing greatness of His power at work in us who believe.” (Eph 1:17-19)
(anointing the other hand)
Through the powerful intercession of St Elizabeth of the Trinity, may your soul be drawn to God, going out of yourself in order to cling to God by a wholly simple and loving movement. May you remain there in this great silence within, allowing God to communicate Himself to you and transform you into Himself. (cf E3’s mission, ltr 335)
(Pray over in silence for some moments)
Through the powerful intercession of St Elizabeth of the Trinity, may God daily draw you deeper into prayer with graces of infused contemplation and spousal love. May you be drawn more deeply into union with the Blessed Trinity. And may Almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In various circumstances over these past 15 months, I have anointed about 300 people with the St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Oil. Many have witnessed to its salutary effects. A few months ago, someone spontaneously texted me the following message after being anointed with the oil and I realized it’s worth posting:
“St Elizabeth of the Trinity…wow. I cried deeply my whole ride home as the Lord took me to many memories of wonder, joy, and communion as a child and showed me himself in it all. Really a remarkable grace that will mark a specific point in my life. I just couldn’t stop saying Jesus you ARE over and over again with an awareness of Christ being all in all that I’ve NEVER had.
That’s some good holy oil right there.
St Elizabeth of the Trinity!!
Thank you!!! ” –Emma from Cincinnati
Contact Fr. Ignatius